Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bless and Curse Not

This command by Jesus - bless and curse not, restated by Paul in Romans 12.14 - is amazing, difficult, simplistic and impossible!

There are those who are Christians who teach that our words have creative power. Therefore, for those who believe this, if you speak only positive things, your life will be filled with positive things; and, if you speak curses, your life will be filled with curses.

Interesting, but I know more than one person who constantly talks about having cancer, fearing flying, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah .. yet, they are in good health and in their 80s. And, I also know truly good persons who have died unexpectedly at very young ages in comparison. I mean, people who truly love others more than themselves, etc.

But, in spite of this, there is a real warning that we need to consider about cursing. The mentality behind cursing other people, cursing businesses, cursing government, cursing circumstances .. this mentality is a self-destructive one. It is an easy mentality to slip into, but it will end up destroying us if we continue in it. It destroys integrity and influence. It is a victim mentality. It is non-productive, most certainly, but even more so, it is destructive, because it is speaking curses upon other people and circumstances that we are not responsible for. Thus, if God is the Creator of the circumstances we are cursing, perhaps we are cursing Him. Dangerous ground.

On the other hand, if we get an attitude of blessing .. blessing our mean neighbor, blessing our stingy relatives, blessing those we do business with .. perhaps even having an attitude of blessing those who we are paying when we write out the check to pay our bills.... after all, if we can bless others, we are obviously blessed ourselves, and we will end up being blessed even more. Hey! If you are able to pay your bills, you are blessed!!!

We are blessed with good health, we are blessed to live in the USA, we are blessed to have heat and airconditioning, we are blessed to have great health care, we are blessed to have three good meals per day, we are BLESSED!

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